Senufo archive
The archive
Senufo art tribalart blog
The blog

The vision

The carver should speak directly to us. Rarely auction houses or galleries can name the actual carver of an African object. No wonder that the extraordinary prices are artificially and not artisticly based.

Senufo Maternite Figur Kunst
Materinté by Bakari Coulibaly

The notion

This is the first online database that is structured by the names of the Senufo carvers. You will have an insight of the artistic characteristics and it might help you to determine the origin of your objects.

Kpelié Mask Senufo Kunst Art
Kpelié mask by Doh Soro

The passion

The African sculpture still provides inspiration for contemporary art and design. In our blog, we bring this aesthetication together and do present, that African art is not just a decoration or object of speculation.

Senufo Tugubele Kunst Art
Tugubele statues by Doh Soro

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Kunstbuch Afrika Bildband Afrikanische Kunst Art senufo Senoufo

Markus Ehrhard now published three books presenting masks and statues from the Senufo from about 1900 till today. Read interviews with carvers or discover the unique styles of carvers from the last century.

In a very close look, Ehrhard compares different styles and techniques and presents conclusions, that the question of authenticity is not needed to ask.

Find highresolution images and more information about the carvers, their stories and their one of a kind sculptures.

Have a sneak peek at our shop.

Read our blog

In our blog, author and designer Markus Ehrhard constantly writes about the individual characteristics of certain Senufo carvers. He introduces the masters with their outstanding sculptures and the carvers who work not that spectacular objects for daily use. Also he gives a closer view on the genres of masks and statues and why they are made for. Ehrhard writes from the perspective of a collector and maker, and continues his thoughts and sights from his book series.

Kpelie mask Senufo Kpelié masque Senoufo art design
Kpelié mask by Bakari Coulibaly, Dickodougou