Senufo · 10. Juli 2017
In generell, the Kpelié mask is a mask that should entertain, it is not an evil or bad mask. In some books you can read the definition, that the name itself means face on an acrobat or comedien. But talking to carvers, they all say, Kpelié is a face of wood. But certainly one of the genres of the Kpelié is the character of the entertainer. Everyone at the venue, like a harvest fest, is allowed to see this character, who has acrobatic elements in his perfomance.
Senufo · 07. Juli 2017
Senufo Kpelié kids masks by Fédiofègue Koné from Kolia and Karnigi Coulibaly from Fonodara
For a long time, these small Keplié masks were wrongly described as "passport masks" or even as Airport-art, because they could not be specified. Karnigi Coulibaly, the carver of the wooden mask on the right, did say in an interview with Karl-Heinz Krieg in 1968, that these masks are danced by children before the beautiful Kpelié is going to perform by an adult dancer and they should enterrain the audience. Another speciality is, that the children did hold these masks in their hands while...
Senufo · 30. Juni 2017
In about one of ten masks you will find the double faced Kpelié, Yêchikpleyégué in Senari. In literature you can read, that this genre does show bisexuality. But the Senufo do not differentiate or discriminate between sexual orientation. Karl-Heinz Krieg told me, that this genre is made by intelligent Senufo carvers. Only a smart carver can deal to create two identical faces. This interpretation depends on the region. It is noticeable, that many of the doublefaced Kpelié show a Tugubele couple o
Senufo · 28. Juni 2017
First it is important to distinguish, who is allowed to see the dance of the Kpelié mask: The Senufo diversify between a mask, that can be seen by everyone living in the place or only by the members of the Poro, the secret society of men.
Senufo · 27. Juni 2017
Overview Kpelié masks by Senufo carvers, Senoufo african art
The Kpelié mask is the best known and most famous mask of the Senufo culture. The original word is "kpeli yehe". The translation of these words are not clarified. In some books you can read "face of an acrobat, dancer or comedien", speaking with the carvers, their translation is "face of wood". The Kpelié always represents a male spirit, there are no female Kpelié masks. The Kpelié can be carved by the occupational group of Koulé in wood and by the occupational group of Fono in wood or in...
Senufo · 11. Juni 2017
Kran mask Dogon mask culture faked object
There are people who swore on facial yoghurt masks, with the effect that the skin should look younger and fresh. But there are people who swore on yoghurt masks as "dramaticly different moistruizer" to fake wood looking old and used. No matter what you use, you get wrinkles anway, especially when you buy a fake object. But how to tell, if an object got treated with yoghurt or other milk products with lactic acid bacteria that changes the surface of wood? How to decide, what is a crusty patina...
Senufo · 08. Juni 2017
Senufo Art chameleon aluminium Senoufo
So often it is so difficult to tell, if an object is faked or not. As a collector, I always try to compare and find the differences on similar objects. And when you have two or more of the same genre, you start finding distinctions and variations, you wouln't have discovered on the single piece. I thought to be on the safe side, I bought the chameleon, on the right, in an established gallery. It was sold to me as an authentic device of a Senufo diviner. The object was small in comparison to a...
Senufo · 07. Juni 2017
Kulango Anyedo Figure fake authentic Senufo art
These two Anyedo twins of the neighboured Kulango tribe are a great example for the difference of dirt and patina on an object made of metal. Both are made in the lost wax technique. An Anyedo stays and will protect the owner for his whole lifetime. They can be worn on a necklace or in a pouch, bag or pocket. So these little objects are exposed to constant rubbing and abrasion. Dents and hollows will stay untouched, raised parts receive a polish. The Anyedo on the right does show these...
Senufo · 05. Juni 2017
Senufo art Tugubele Senoufo design
Sometimes wooden objects are covered by something, you dont know what it is....and you probably don't want to know (in a following article I will talk about the yoghurt-masks, that don't make your face younger, quite contrary, these objects should conjure wrinkles on your forehead). But how to find out the difference between dirt and patina? Karl-Heinz Krieg once told me just to wash an object with water. Usage, storing or transport can cover a mask or statue with a layer of dust. On Senufo...
Senufo · 02. Juni 2017
Fake african art
I know, I know...this Nkisi fetish is fake. Everyone can see that. But I bought it these days. I was young and needed some objects. Sidekick information: Never judge an object by an image. A serious expert never does give expertise just by a picture shown to him. He always will hold an object in his hands and will compare it with other similar objects. But sometimes a fake can be very obvious on a photo. Vice versa, in 0.01% it is possilbe to name a carver just by an image, when the originator...

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